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PowerTracks Pro Audio for Windows: No Sound / MIDI Driver Setup If you don't hear anything when you try to play a song in PowerTracks Pro Audio, here is what to do: First, identify if it is MIDI or Audio (or both) that you are not hearing. If you aren't sure, you can open demo songs located in the PowerTracks folder to test this. For example, the file 'Impromptu.seq' contains only MIDI data, while the file 'Rock.wav' contains only audio (wave) data. If MIDI playback is the problem, it may be a MIDI driver setup issue, you may have your MIDI cables connected incorrectly, or you may have MIDI muted in the Volume/Play Control window. If Audio playback is the problem, the issue is most likely the Volume/Play Control window, or you have the wrong audio driver selected. More details follow. Last updated: Thursday, 08 November 2018.

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Check your MIDI Driver Setup. In PowerTracks, go to Options MIDI Devices to open the MIDI Driver Setup dialog. The column on the left is the Input column. This is where you select the device you want the MIDI info to be recorded from. If you want to record from an external MIDI synthesizer, you would select (XX)MIDI IN, your MIDI interface, or the MPU-401 driver (XX would be the name of your sound card). The column on the right is the Output column. This is where you select where you want to hear the sound being played from.

If you want to hear sound from your internal sound card (through your computer speakers), you would select: (XX)MIDI Synth, Microsoft GS Wavetable, Roland VSC, or anything except (XX)MIDI Out, the MPU-401 driver, or your MIDI interface (Again, XX would be the name of your sound card). If you are sending the MIDI information away from your computer to an external sound source such as a MIDI synthesizer or sound module, you would select (XX)MIDI Out, your MIDI interface or the MPU-401 compatible driver. Note: The drivers that you see in your MIDI Input and Output columns depend on your specific computer/sound card setup.

'Reggae Joint' (Satire of ) *Replayed excerpt of the synth-bass riff from 's '' 4:14 15. 2 live crew as nasty as they wanna be rapidshare. 'Get the Fuck out of My House' * recording • 's 'White Horse' 4:37 14. 'Fraternity Record' *Replayed excerpt of the guitar riff from ' '' 4:47 16. 'My Seven Bizzos' *'s '' 4:18 13.


If you are still not sure which drivers to select, you may need to experiment a little. PowerTracks Pro Audio 9 and higher support DXi synthesizers, and version 11 and higher support VSTi. You can select the 'Re-route MIDI playback to default DXi synth' item in the MIDI Driver Setup dialog to have all of your tracks play through a single DXi or VSTi synth, or you can assign the synths to each track independently. See the FAQ pages for more help with this (e.g. If you are using a DXi/VSTi synth, make sure that in the DirectX Plugins window, your synth is selected and set up correctly.